GuidesShow TestnetsStory ProtocolBecome Validator

Become Validator

Mandatory step, Get your validator key

story validator export --export-evm-key

Make sure to backup your validator key after using the command above!

Create Validator (Aeneid)

story validator create 
  --stake ${AMOUNT_TO_STAKE_IN_WEI} \
  --moniker ${VALIDATOR_NAME} \
  --rpc ${rpc} \
  --chain-id 1315 \
  --commission-rate ${rate} \

Flags Details

  • —stake: Sets the amount the validator will self-delegate in wei (default is 1024000000000000000000 wei).
  • —moniker: Defines a custom name for the validator, visible to users on the network.
  • —chain-id: Specifies the Chain ID for the transaction.
  • —commission-rate: Sets the validator’s commission rate in bips (1% = 100 bips). For instance, 1000 represents a 10% commission (default is 1000).
  • —max-commission-change-rate: Sets the maximum rate at which the validator’s commission can change, in bips. For example, 100 represents a maximum change of 1% (default is 1000).
  • —max-commission-rate: Defines the maximum commission rate the validator can charge, in bips. For instance, 5000 allows a 50% maximum rate (default is 5000).
  • —private-key: Uses a specified private key for signing the transaction. If not set, the key in priv_validator_key.json will be used.
  • —rpc: Sets the RPC URL to connect to the network (our aeneid rpc:
  • —unlocked: Determines if unlocked token staking is supported (true for unlocked staking, false for locked staking). By default, this is set to true.

This guide provides only the basic bootstrapping instructions for becoming a Validator in the Story Aeneid Network. For more comprehensive operations, please refer to the Official Documentation